Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thank you for stopping by CloverLeaf! My name is Kai and I would like to take the time out to introduce myself and to let you know that this blog is very new and still under construction and a lot of things will be added on a daily basis. About me? hmmmm let see, where to begin!? well CloverLeaf is a reclaimed and re purposed furniture and home decor shop and these creations will be available to you on my Etsy shop in 6 days! Eeeeek. so much to do so little time to do it...focus Kai. Breathe. Lol. Like I said I am new to blogging and also a new business owner and I don't know what the heck I'm doing---But I do know my craft, and I love re-finishing furniture and I love food and cooking, and I also love writing and getting to know people. So if by chance you are reading this stop for a while...pull up a chair, grab a glass of wine and indulge an old woman. Who knows? you may pop in from time to time and say hi, or share with me a good story (I love to laugh) or give me much needed advice. whatever happens happens. But please comment and introduce yourself. I'm just a southern gal who likes to create pieces of art to share with the world! :)

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