Etsy Shop Grand Openng!

Monday, December 23, 2013

So the countdown has begun. In T minus 29 hours will be the grand opening of our official Etsy shop. Gosh it feels like this moment has taken a lifetime but now that it's close I'm having a ton of mixed emotions and anxiety. Will they like my designs? Will I be able o sell a piece within the first day? week? or month? As a new business owner and a mother it's hard to find a balance. But all that hard work is finally starting to pay off!. Enough with the babble, I want to share a little more what to expect at CloverLeaf---you know clear up some questions and such. I love to work on antiques but is all the furniture "antique". No. in fact, most the pieces i am putting on the shop are not antiques. I am always partial to french provincial,shabby chic, beach cottage, patina ect. But i want my followers to know that CloverLeaf will not be limited tojust those styles. I also offer customized pieces---meaning if you have a particular look you want and have not been able to find, I will work with you one on one and find out what specific color, finish, stencil, and piece that you want and design it specifically to your taste, whether it's Aunt Sally's armoir or your kitchen cabinets (That's right. Local only.)If you can dream it, I can paint it.

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2 Responses to “Etsy Shop Grand Openng!”

  1. Congrats, girl!! Don't worry, you're talented with excellent taste!! Your stuff will be a success!! :)
